About Us

Our Vet

Dr. Randon Feinsod is a New York native raised by amazing parents. Despite the fear of their home becoming a zoo, they found a way to encourage his love of animals. They strongly enforced an educational approach to pet keeping that later evolved into his approach to veterinary medicine. As a child, when he wanted a pet snake, his parents had him research each possible candidate to determine the adult size, preferred food item, and appropriate enclosure. That report became a building block to Dr. Feinsod's education. It provided an environment for self-teaching and analytical thought that has transferred to the practice of veterinary medicine.

Dr. Randon Feinsod

Dr. Feinsod received his Bachelor's degree in the Biological Basis of Behavior from the University of Pennsylvania. He attended Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine and completed his clinical year at Oklahoma State University. He also completed a preceptorship at the Oklahoma City Zoo. Over his 20+ years of practice he has gained extensive surgical experience. He enjoys and excels in all kinds of surgery whether it involves organs, soft tissue or bones in dogs, cats, reptiles and even birds and pocket pets. He is almost as passionate about orthopedics as he is about reptiles! His new special interest is endoscopy. Exploring the less invasive approaches to routine surgical procedures.

The work ethic that Dr. Feinsod's parents instilled in him has also translated to other aspects of his life. Dr. Feinsod, or "Doc" as his friends affectionately call him, is also an avid herptoculturist. Herptoculture is the art of keeping and breeding reptiles and amphibians. Currently, he has bred over twenty species of reptile and amphibian. 

Another important area of Dr. Feinsod's life is his dedication to animal rescue. Most of his own animals have been rescued. He is currently the medical director and adviser to Sean Casey Animal Rescue in New York City. Sean Casey and Dr. Feinsod have made a huge impact in the animal rescue field in NYC for both pets and native wildlife. Together they have found homes for exotic animals such as alligators and crocodiles, as well as rehabilitated local wildlife, such as diamond backed terrapins and birds of prey. They have also been featured on TV shows, such as Animal Planet's Animal Precinct, and have helped out on the Today Show. Dr. Feinsod's pet Boa has even appeared on Animal Planet!!! Please visit and support Sean Casey Animal Rescue by visiting his website at www.nyanimalrescue.org.